Index Tractionmaterial Leasinglocs Traffic Lines Documents Bfoto Links

0.000 Halle FH Station L96 L96E
5.100 Beert-Bellingen FRBL Station
7.200 Saintes FSA Station
10.000 Bierghes FBRG Station
12.800 Petit-Enghien MIE Station
15.400 Enghien FNG Station L123
18.200 Marcq FMQ Station
24.200 Bassily FBY Station L87
26.000 Silly FIL Station
27.400 Hellebecq Stop
28.900 Ghislenghien FGS Station
30.700 Meslin l'eveque MLE Station
32.800 Isières FIR Station
34.400 Lanquesaint Stop
38.400 Ath ATH Station L81 L90 L287
43.700 Ligne FNI Station
47.500 Chapelle-à-Wattines FWP Station
50.400 Leuze FLZ Station L86
53.500 Pipaix LPX Station
56.000 Barry-Maulde FBU Station
61.600 Havinnes FHV Station
63.900 Havinnes-Village Stop
68.500 Tournai FTY Station L78 L87 L88A L231 I
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